The purpose of these Rules, which cover all transactions from March 2009, is to detail the terms and conditions under which bets are accepted by our online service at (the "website"). They include maximum winnings, the type of bets available and the events and races on which bets are accepted. Also covered in these rules are details of how bets will be settled if you make an error when placing bets or our staff make an error when processing bets or quoting prices. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with these rules or the terms of a particular bet.
Any amendments to these rules will be published on our website. Changes will be notified by e-mail to customers wherever possible, but it remains the responsibility of the customer to ensure that they are aware of the correct, current rules.
We believe these rules ensure a 'Fair Deal' when betting with BetJacks Sports. If you require clarification or advice, please e-mail
Events on Which Bets are Accepted
Sports and Special Event Betting
Bets are accepted for all sporting events and special events where we specifically advertise acceptance e.g. Football, Golf, Cricket, etc., and will be settled in accordance with the special rules issued for such events. For any eventuality not covered by the special rules, the general terms of our Internet Betting Rules will apply.
Horse Racing
Bets are accepted for horse races held under the rules of the UK Jockey Club, Irish Turf Club or the equivalent international bodies. Bets on horse racing are settled on the official result.
Greyhound Racing
Bets are accepted for selected races in Great Britain and Ireland, and are settled on the official result.
Maximum Winnings
A bet is accepted on the basis that it is the investment of one customer only. The maximum amount that can be won (excluding stake) by one customer in one day's betting regardless of stake is €25,000 or its equivalent in an accepted currency.
Where selections taken from the different categories listed below are combined in multiple or accumulative bets the lowest maximum winnings limit will apply.
Acceptance of Bets
Bets must be made online at the website. No postal, fax, e-mail or telex bets are accepted and if received will be made void, win or lose.
Online bets are not guaranteed unless you receive a transaction code. Bets will be valid subject to these rules if accepted by the BetJacks Transaction server, whether or not you receive a transaction code. If you have any doubts about whether your bets have been accepted, you should view your list of open bets.
In the event of any dispute, both you and BetJacks agree that the Transaction Log Database will act as the final authority in determining the outcome of any claim.
It is your responsibility to ensure that details of your bets are correct. Bets cannot be cancelled by the client once the transaction is confirmed.
In order to control our liabilities, we reserve the right to notify and close down any duplicate Accounts. Any relevant details will be transferred to the most active Account held by the Customer.
We cannot allow for mistakes or accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in respect of the announcing, publishing or marking of prices, runners or results despite our every effort to ensure total accuracy. We reserve the right to correct obvious errors.
We reserve the right to refuse the whole or part of any bet without offering any explanation.
Bets other than Ante Post bets (for Ante Post bets, please see Rule 12) will be void if the race or event is abandoned or declared void. If postponed to another day and overnight declarations stand, then bets stand providing the venue is not altered or the running surface is not altered (e.g. Turf to Dirt / All Weather or vice versa). If the overnight declarations do not stand or the venue is altered or the running surface is altered (e.g. turf to Dirt / all weather or vice versa), bets will be void. If, for any reason, races are set back to later in the day, the settling of all bets will be governed by the time advertised in The Racing Post (e.g. if you stipulate the 2.00 race and that race is run at 2.30 the bet will stand for the 2.00 race as advertised).
Time of Acceptance
If, for any reason, a bet is inadvertently accepted after the event or match has started and the event in question is not covered by our live betting in the run service (if this is the case then it will be clearly marked as 'Live Betting'), the selection(s) affected will be made void if, at the time the bet was placed, the race or event was resolved or at a stage where the client could have had any indication of the outcome.
Where the official 'Off' of a race is not announced, bets are accepted up to the advertised time of the race. Any bet which is accepted later than the advertised time of the race will be void unless we are satisfied that the bet was accepted before the actual 'Off'.
In the event of there being a dispute over the time at which a bet was placed, then the time at which it was recorded on the Transactional log will govern the settlement.
Legality and Security
The BetJacks Sports Organization, departments and subsidiaries thereof, and any agencies acting on our behalf, accept no liability for any damage or losses that are alleged to have resulted from our website, or its content, including delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, loss or corruption of data, communication or lines failure, any person's misuse of the site or its content or any error or omissions in content.
Placing bets by anyone under the age of 18 years is prohibited. The right to void any transactions with minors is retained.
It is not practical or possible for BetJacks to determine the law in every country or state on an ongoing basis. Please check that the laws in your jurisdiction allow you to place bets.
After opening your account your username, password and account number should remain secret. All transactions where your username and password have been entered correctly will be regarded as valid.
All account information held by BetJacks is securely data warehoused and remains confidential.
Palpable Errors
When an incorrect price is taken due to a palpable error i.e. a technical problem or price entry error, then the bet will be settled at the correct price available at the time the bet was struck, as verified by SIS for live racing, or BetJacks Sports prices for other early price races and other events.
If there is no correct SIS or BetJacks Sports market available at the time the bet is struck, the selection will be deemed void and stakes returned.
Settlement of Bets
Bets are settled according to the displayed odds/prices at the time the bet is confirmed. For Horse and Greyhound racing only, if prices/odds are not offered or requested, bets are settled at Starting Price returns.
Bets are settled to Win unless "Each Way" is selected. An Each Way bet is a bet of twice the selected unit stake. It contains one bet of unit stake on the selection to win, and one bet of unit stake on the selection to "place" according to the terms advertised for the event.
€10 Each Way - Tiger Woods to win US Masters
Win Odds: 8/1, Place Terms ¼ of the fractional odds a place 1,2,3,4,5.
If Tiger Wins, both Win and Place bets are winners:
€10 at 8/1 = €90, plus €10 at 2/1 (¼ of 8/1) = €30, Total Returns €120
For other events on which each way bets are accepted, settlement will be based on the odds and place terms applicable when the bet is taken. These terms are shown on the website.
For the purpose of calculation, Each Way Doubles, Trebles etc. are settled as two distinct bets i.e. win on to win and place on to place.
n a DEAD HEAT the stake money on a selection is divided by the number of runners involved in the dead heat. The full odds are then paid to the divided stake, with the remainder of the stake money being lost.
Where a selection is made void or does not run, then in Single bets the stake will be returned. In accumulative bets the stake will run on to the remaining selection(s) with a Double becoming a Single, a Treble becoming a Double and so on.
Related Contingencies
Multiple bets are not accepted where the outcome of one part of the bet contributes to the outcome of another. If taken in error the stakes will be equally divided where they clash.
€10 Double, Henman to win by 3 sets to 1 and to win the match outright is settled as 2 x €5 Singles
However, where the related parts of the bet are resolved at different times the bet will be settled as instructed, with the price for the second or subsequent legs being determined at each individual stage.
€10 Double, Henman to win Semi-Final @ 5/2 with Henman to win the tournament outright @ 2/1, is settled as a €10 Double, Henman to win Semi-Final @ 5/2 with the price for Henman to win outright being the odds on offer after winning the Semi-Final. In the event of Henman losing either the Semi-Final or Final, the bet is lost.
Where there is evidence of Price, Race, Match or Event rigging, we reserve the right to make bets void or withhold payment of returns pending the outcome of any subsequent investigation.
Claims and Disputes
No claims or disputes will be considered more than 12 weeks after the date of the original transaction.
In the first instance, all claims / disputes should be raised with our Customer Service Department at In the event of our Customer Relations representatives being unable to resolve your dispute, it may be submitted to a mutually acceptable recognised body for arbitration and their decision will be final so long as the full facts are presented by all of the parties concerned.
A difference of opinion regarding any bet, or the terms on which a bet should be settled, shall not be the subject of litigation, court action or objection to a Bookmaker's Licence or Permit unless the dispute has been adjudicated upon by an arbitrator in accordance with these Rules and the decision of the arbitrator has not been implemented by the relevant party.
Ante Post Betting (Future Bets)
Ante Post prices are those offered on:
Horse Racing prior to the overnight declaration stage (usually 10.00am on the day before the race).
Greyhound events up to and including the Semi-Final stage. Any bets placed after the Semi-Finals or on a single race event will be settled on an Early Bird 'non-runner - no bet' basis.
Any other events (except on the result of a match), regardless of the day that the bet is placed.
Ante Post bets are accepted all in, run or not, entered or not. With the exception of outright bets on golf tournaments, stakes are lost on an Ante Post bet if a selection does not take part. No Tattersalls' Rule 4 deductions are made from winning bets (except in the circumstances of (d) (iv). (See Rules for individual sports for further details of non-racing events.)
All Each-Way Doubles, Trebles etc. are settled win to win, place to place.
If a race is postponed to another day:
Ante Post bets placed before the entries have closed will stand and will only be made void if:-
The race is abandoned or made void.
A horse is balloted out under Jockey Club Rules of Racing.
The venue is altered.
Ante Post bets placed after the entries have closed will be void, except when:-
The race is run at a later date at the same venue.
The entries are not re-opened.
The running surface is not altered (e.g. Turf to Dirt/ All Weather or vice versa.
Ante Post bets are settled at the price and place terms applicable at the time of acceptance. Should a wrong price or place terms be given in error we reserve the right to settle the bet at the correct price/place terms that were available at the time the bet was struck.
Place only bets, conditional bets and forecast betting are not accepted at Ante Post odds. If taken in error, Place only and Forecast bets will be void, the conditional part of any Ante Post bet will be disregarded.
Where the same selection is backed to win two or more Ante Post events in an accumulative bet a special combined price will apply irrespective of any individual odds quoted. Where no special combined price is available e.g. a horse to win a Derby trial and the Derby, settlement will be based on the first available odds after each leg has been completed.
